Wednesday, October 13, 2010

George out, Katie in, Lap dancer going down and Charlotte out

Words like "I just want to start again" and "I am going to be around so much you guys are going to get sick of me". George, go away, do what you want, we do not care. I never cared back in the 90's. Do a Ridgley and disappear.

We know you are out, you came out years ago. Wow, you spent time in prison and it gave you inspiration for a song did it. What's the title, Jailhouse cock? Is it a love song? Grow up, stop taking drugs, go and do something honest and worthwhile. I heard there are 33 jobs down a mine going.

Quirky Katie as she is dubbed continues to annoy the nation it seems, not only was she blamed for Gamus exit, I don't mean the deportation, just expulsion from the XFactor, now she took the place in round 2 of many peoples favourite boy band FYD. For those of you that didn't know FYD stands for Feel Your Dick. Their performance was bordering on obscene especially on a show aimed also at youngsters.

If you felt sorry for them on Sunday night, any sympathy would have evaporated if you saw them interviewed on Daybreak the following morning. When asked how they felt about being knocked out so early, one replied, not sure which one he was, how many were there? 5? That's blown my joke then, I was going to say well it wasn't Feel, I'm pretty sure it wasn't Your, so it must have been Dick who replied "It's nice not to have to wake up every day and learn a new song and sing all the time, it will be nice to get some sleep". Not really what record producers want to hear.

Charlotte Church is feeling the strings of love still pulling at her as she sees ex Gavin Henson on just about everything at the moment. She has blamed the reality show 71 degrees North for her split from the Welsh rugby player and Father to their 2 children. She claims that when he went away he had lots of time to reflect on his life and came back a different person. they both thought it was best to split up while the kids were still young??? Some people just do not deserve children, namely celebrities and politicians who use them as pawns to further their careers and profile.

What ever happened to Gavin's Father Jim, you remember him, invented the Muppets, I am pretty sure they modelled Rowlf on Gavin. Come on girls get a life, he looks like a basset hound, if he had a body like mine you wouldn't look twice. Men are more than pieces of meat Ladies, have some respect.

(Photo: Gavin ready for a waltz)

Nadine Quashie, there's a name you wont be familiar with, unless you are a regular in Stringfellows. She is the lap dancer centre stage in court this week citing unfair dismissal. Earning £200,000 a year wasn't enough for this single Mum who felt she was being exploited (Really in a lap dancing club) by the owners of the top Covent garden night spot. She is claiming every hour on the hour she would have to dance naked for free whenever the trigger song Girls girls girls was played. I would dance naked free every night to Boys boys boys for 1200 quid. Look on the bright side, at least you didn't have to shag the boss for sticking his wonga down your garter. A spokesman for Stringfellows claims she was fired for using drugs. No way, a stripper on drugs! Whatever next.

A row has broken out on Twitter after insults were 'Tweeted' by JLS fans to Tulisa (She's the female one in N Dubz) claiming Dippy, I mean Dappy, threw a plastic bottle at JLS as they left the radio 1 studios. My theory is the N Dubz front man heard their live performance and thought they needed to clear their throats a little. Should of thrown a mirror at them so they could practice their miming. It all got a bit heated on Twitter with insults flying back and forth and it eventually came to an end when Dappy told Tulisa to shut it man or they would lose the 50% off deal he had negotiated for a new sofa.

Nice to see Dappy is acting in a more Eco friendly violent manner. Unfortunately mate it seems in Trashy tongued Tulisa you have a bag for life.

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