Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cameron gets off DeFence and into a row

What is defence? Well I know what it used to mean. Protecting ones homeland. When was the last time we were involved in a war of defence? There are 2 subjects I am not very good at, history and politics, however, I don't need 'O' Levels in either to know that the last war on British soil ended in 1945. Winston Churchill (He was the one with the big cigar and an alcohol problem, reminded me of WC Fields, that's how I remember him) lost the next election in 1945, there's gratitude for you. He won a war while pissed! proof we all think we can fight the world and win when we've had a drink, my guess is he wasn't too bothered about losing the next election either.

I think it's safe to say Cameron wont have won many friends when he announced cutting 17,000 jobs in the armed forces over the next 5 years and if he lasts 'til the next election which must be held by 11th June 2015 it's also safe to say that Labour will again repeat their great victory of 1945 while this once great Country leaves itself wide open to further attacks from foreigners.

Hold on, 10% of people now living in the UK have been invading us basically non stop, most people born outside Britain are from India - around one in ten of the population. There were 613,000 people born in India. Poland was the third most common country of birth, with 405,000 Polish-born people in the country. One in three people in London were born abroad, and two boroughs, Westminster and Brent, have a population in which the majority are foreign-born.

I know there will be many people reading this saying "Oh yeah but it's not the army's job, it's border control". Well may I suggest that the powers that be have been sticking their noses in too many other countries business and have forgotten the true meaning of the word defence, which is 'protection from harm, military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies'. Who are our enemies, are we not engaged in a war of terrorism in our own country without going elsewhere looking for trouble like a group of football thugs at an away game. I truly believe they are making the cuts in the wrong places, surely the brains behind stopping atrocities like 7/7 at MI5/6 are the ones who should be on the front line for dismissal. Overpaid and incapable of doing their jobs satisfactorily, ironic that the description of their job is 'Intelligence'.

So we have approximately 6.3 million foreigners in our country, 2.4 million of those are Muslims. If we are going to invite the enemy over for dinner at least let's be here waiting for them when they arrive instead of being 'Out to lunch' in Afghanistan or Iraq.

If foreigners love our country so much let's get them fighting for us, give the new British nationals 2 years national service, a probation period to prove their loyalty to their new Country. We are paying them to do our jobs anyway. either that or they are claiming benefits so make them earn them. Before you get the idea this is all about people coming over here stealing our jobs and benefits I want to make it clear that I don't think all foreigners are lazy, dishonest people with no respect for our religion, rules and customs. They do many jobs us British would never do for the wages they work for, all i am saying is instead of sticking them in fields picking asparagus train them to prepare for the trenches, actually, dig trenches then plant asparagus in the spoil you dig out, 2 for the price of one. Every little helps.

OK some of this is with my tongue pressed firmly in my cheek, but don't tell me you haven't had the same thoughts at sometime. We have the reputation of being a soft touch, everyone is welcome, yes you are, but live by our rules and be prepared to fight for our beliefs and values. I am not xenophobic, I am not a racist, everyone regardless of colour or religion has a place in the world wherever they choose to live, BUT, do not move to another country and expect to live by your rules and values, do it on your own doorstep. I am quite a well travelled guy, I enjoy learning, living, respecting and enjoying other peoples cultures, I think Brits on the whole do, it's why we go abroad isn't it? Or am i living in my own little world and the main attraction in other countries is the sunshine and cheaper booze?

With or without a drink I hate violence of any kind. Prevention is better than cure, nuclear spending you could argue is essential if we want to remain one of the worlds super powers, but at what expense? I am not just talking about the £2 billion average spend weapons we will never use, I say never because even if they were ever used we would all be killed anyway, so why have them? Can we not put spending into things to improve the quality of life, better hospitals, more research into real threats to mankind like cancer and Cowell. 3 more years of the bloody XFactor, makes nuclear war sound like a more attractive option. Seriously though, the world has gone mad. Is a footballer really worth 1000 soldiers or nurses weekly wage? Of course not, but that's how sick this planet has become, we are living in an age where the only thing that's cool is being a drunk celebrity. In 1944 drunk celebrities won wars directing thousands of troupes to victory, the pilots in spitfires were real stars, flying on the seat of their pants without any technology other than a compass. These men and women were all for one cause, to make sure Britain stayed great, but all governments since Churchill have slowly released the reigns and lost direction. We have no rudder, just as well we have no aircraft carriers then also. If we did they would be drifting around the world ready to stick their bows in where they don't belong.

It's time for real men to run the country instead of toffee nosed public schoolboys who know absolutely nothing about the real world and will do anything to ensure that there isn't any trouble on their own doorstep. You have got it all wrong, all of you. Pavements used to have children playing hopscotch on them in streets where doors were never locked, drugs were something only rock stars did, that's the problem, everyone wants to be a rock star, forcing our children off the streets because they aren't safe to play on anymore, locking our doors and installing the latest alarm in case some wanna be rock star/Celebrity can't afford their fix this week. It's OK, the government (Tax payer) will foot the bill for your rehab or jail term and before you know it you will be back on your feet at the top of the ratings with a best selling autobiography explaining how you (WE HELPED YOU) got over your addiction, until the next book anyway.

I don't blame Cameron, or any one person for the state of our country and the world today, it is a succession of leaders who WE voted for that have slowly turned this country into a benefit state, for anyone and everyone to come to our country, put it in a terrible state and then benefit from their actions. Appalling.

Oi Churchill, could you save us money on our country insurance? OHHHHH YEESSSSSSSS


  1. I'm in two minds over the whole cuts saga. Yes cuts need to be made to bring down the defecit, but don't agree with a lot of the cuts. Schools, police, NHS should be left alone, unless the cuts are coming for the 'pen pushers'. Then when we hear so many stories about troops not having the right equipment and they are cutting the defence budget, makes me feel sorry for those people putting their lives at risk to keep us safe. Yet the one cut I was hoping to hear about, nothing. If Mr Cameron said yes you are all going to feel the pinch of having less money now, but we as people employed by the voters are going to feel it too as we will stop having two houses, stop wasting money on expensive hotels, stop wasting money on decorating our offices with extortionate priced wallpaper, we will stop having our moats cleaned and housing for our ducks. Then I would say fair enough. But when some MP or Prime Minister says times are going to be hard, I find it very hard to believe he will find it hard. He should try living on minimum wage, with bills to pay and mouths to feed, then tell me it's going to be hard.

  2. Great points Alan. I agree 100%. The chancellor has a personal fortune of 4 million pound and his family 20 million. Things will never change so long as we have a system of government like we have. Too many cooks who don't know the right ingredients to add. Sad situation that is called 'life'




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